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Check out our past events including workshops and mindfulness sessions!

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Falling awake to life through creative expression with Marybeth Leis Druery

In April of 2022, MMC collaborated with Open Circle McMaster to host an online interactive workshop on mindfulness and creativity!

Led by Marybeth Leis Druery, we practiced bringing mindfulness into each part of the creative process including drawing, painting, and speech. Everyone had the opportunity to create a mandala as a focus for their meditation. 

Marybeth Leis Druery is an Expressive Arts facilitator, visual artist, and offers spiritual companioning for students from a diversity of backgrounds, focusing on meaning in your life and providing opportunities to reflect and try creative practices. She co-founded Student Open Circles in 2001 at McMaster University, where she facilitates weekly reflection, mindfulness and creativity circles, personal development courses, retreats and leadership development.

More information on Open Circle:



In November of 2021, we were lucky to have Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry host an online mindfulness event on behalf of the McMaster Mindfulness Club!

Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry has spent the past 20 years perfecting the key to successful innovation. He has helped individuals under pressure lead and innovate in the most intense and extreme circumstances; and has worked with Olympic, NBA and NFL teams to help inspire and implement strategies needed to manage one’s thinking, emotions and conversations while under pressure. JP is the co-author of “Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When it Matters Most” and the creator of “The Last 8%” Podcast. 

During the event JP shared many insightful stories and walked attendees through a breathing meditation. JP also shared a power tool to manage difficult emotions. The ‘ETA Tool’; this tool stands for Explore, Tenderness and Acceptance and when mastered can become a powerful strategy for when we become overwhelmed by strong emotions. Attendees of this event also gained insider access to JP’s morning routines where he shared how he maintains a mindful and gracious lifestyle.

Sitting Meditation


In March of 2021, we were fortunate to have Sally Dwyer host a Mindful Self-Compassion Workshop for our club. 

Sally Dwyer is a registered psychotherapist currently practicing in Hamilton, Ontario.  Sally is also a Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) teacher and has trained in various mindfulness-based protocols such as Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.  She holds the designation Trained Teacher with The Centre for Mindfulness Studies and The Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, UCSD.  Sally considers herself very fortunate to have trained with Christopher Germer, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, Pema Chodron and Sharon Salzburg. Lastly, she is passionate about the healing power of Self-Compassion.
Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) has been causally linked to reduced depression, stress and anxiety while enhancing happiness and optimism. In the workshop, Sally introduced participants to the many benefits of MSC through experimental practices and exercises. Participants were also engaged in discussions on topics such as the researched benefits of MSC, myths of MSC and the role of MSC in the management of burnout and empathy fatigue. 
All events participants were placed into a raffle draw. The winner was announced on our instagram story and was given the option between an Instax camera, a 1-year headspace subscription or a $50 Amazon gift card!

Yoga Group


In December 2020, MMC held its very first event!

The McMaster community joined us for a virtual Mindful Body Scan. 

The audio we used for the guided Mindful Body Scan came from Mindfulness Hamilton. Try out the meditation here:

Check out for more guided sessions!

Events: Products
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